When you spend from a belief that every cent you earn will be your last, you operate from a place of scarcity—a context that runs counter to the energy of abundance. Money, like all life, is an energy exchange.
Alicia Keys, More Myself: A Journey (2020)
My life has predominantly been filled with financial security. My parents never gave us cause for concern when it came to money. They provided a home with an abundance of food and working utilities. I’ve worked since I was 16 and kept no less than 5K in my savings account. Looking back, I so wish I was aware of investing but hindsight is 20/20; I am where I am meant to be. I did not have the maturity to handle more.
Have you read my blog about all the scams I’ve fallen for in my youth?
In it, I discuss my relationship to money, mention an abundance mindset without much detail, and SCAMS; if you haven’t read it, pause and do it now.
I could have easily been targeted for the first scam because I was doing the most. Every time I walked home from school I stopped at the ATM to check my balance as if it was going somewhere. I was just so hype to have a bank account.
When I first started consistently earning money, I stopped asking my parents for things. It was my first taste of independence. I would mostly spend money on practical things like tokens, paying my class dues, and then I would buy something useless with every check. I was also saving a little but I didn’t have a goal in mind so I would spend it if something came up.
My top expenses outside of dining out were clothing, footwear, and DVDs. I was beginning a DVD collection and then one day my dad sat me down and was like, “I see you going out buying all these movies, but they’re worthless.” He told me to look around at his collection and I realized he was right. Instead of buying movies, I began finding places online to watch them instead. I understood that I would need to balance wants, needs, and things I could go without.
Abundance vs. Scarcity Mindset
While I am working, I am totally secure and operating from a place of abundance because I know I will be paid in a week or so. During the few occasions when I was between jobs I was unsure when my next check would come, but I always knew that it would. I would become much more conservative, sometimes even selfish in my spending. I always knew it wasn’t my last because I would find a way to make more.
If you don’t already know, let me be the first to tell you:

Our minds are usually where our thoughts and beliefs originate but they can also come from external sources such as friends, family, or society at large. I included a little of my background to show that was not my experience but I know that isn’t the same for everyone.
Growing up in the church I developed optimism and though my faith has evolved over the years, I know without a shadow of a doubt:
- my thoughts, words, and actions have power,
- all things work together for my good,
- I can do all things.
If we really get into it, I believe walking obediently in my purpose will generate wealth. Believe what you want about how I live my life and who I choose to live it with, but God is still using me, loving me, and providing for me. I am not a mindest expert so I will link you to action steps you can take to cultivate an abundance mindset.
For my readers and dreamers:
How would you describe your money mindset?
What intentions have you set for your money? If you don’t have any, I suggest you take a moment and really think about it.
Are you in a place of abundance, scarcity, or somewhere in between?
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